Busting the Top Fitness Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction


The Top Fitness Myths To Banish For Good

When it comes to fitness, progression is the number one priority and can be very challenging. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about fitness and striving for success with such erroneous beliefs can be a great threat to your progress and prevent you from achieving your results effectively.  It can be sometimes overwhelming to septate fact from fiction. 

In this article, you are going to learn the facts as we are going to break down the false beliefs in fitness and why they are holding you back from progression. By the end of this article, you will be equipped with the knowledge you need to separate the truth from the myth and take your fitness journey to the next level.

1, Supplements Are Steroid Products 💉 

You have certainly heard, either on the internet or from your surroundings that muscle supplements are steroid products! This is one of the biggest common myths that is 100% false. To understand this, you need to make the distinction. Steroids and supplements are two completely different products.

Steroids are synthetic hormones designed to have the same effect as the male hormone, testosterone. They are generally used illegally to enhance the performance of athletes, especially during competitions, and to build muscle mass. Muscle growth in the human body is limited and requires a lot of time, nutrition, rest and training. 

Steroids make this easier by allowing faster recovery, doubling training capacity, increasing strength and endurance, building muscle tissue and increasing body mass. In the fitness industry, steroids are considered the "magic sauce"

However, like a double-edged sword, it also comes with a heavy price. Taking steroids for a long period of time can have serious side effects such as liver cancer, heart disease and infertility. Many great athletes who have used steroids are either on their deathbeds in critical condition, or dead.

Supplements, on the other hand, may claim to build muscle or improve performance, but they are not the same as steroids and do not contain synthetic hormones.  According on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), protein powders, amino acids, caffeine and creatine falls into the category of "Legal, not banned for competition and may have positive effects on athletics performance". You will not find any of these products on the list of prohibited products like steroids.

Studies have shown that the muscle supplements are relatively safe if used properly. However, same as a lot products on the market, there are different brands and not all are effective or safe. It is recommended to use the known and certified brands like whey and avoid the questionable brands. If you want to start a new supplement regimen, it is best to consult a health care professional first.

2, Lifting Weights at a Young Age Stops You From Growing ↕️

This is a common myth that is completely false. This claim is not supported by any scientific research, as there is no evidence that weightlifting stunts growth. In fact, resistance training can have several benefits for a child or teenager and should be recommended, as it helps improve muscle strength, endurance, bone density, coordination and maintenance of a healthy, clean physique. Of course, this does not involve forcing a child to do an extraordinary number of squat reps with inappropriate and overweight weights. 

Resistance training is less risky than playing soccer, basketball or martial arts. Overall, strength training is safe and has a low injury rate if properly supervised, good instructions and performed with reasonable and responsible techniques.

3, Going To The Gym Will Make You Look Too Muscular 💪

This is another misconception about weight training, especially for women. It is true that resistance training promotes hypertrophy which means muscle growth. However, the idea that weigh lifting leads to a bulky physique is untrue. In fact, it has the adverse effect. Incorporating weightlifting into your routine will help you have and maintain a clean and healthy physique, good cardio, strength, endurance and an overall good physical performance.

In addition, it has a lot of benefits for your body as it improves your skin tone, bone density, stress management, sleep regulation, reduce the risk of injury and illness. It also contribute to a higher metabolic rate which help you to burn more calories throughout the day and contribute to weigh loss

Weightlifting alone does not necessarily lead to a bulky or overly muscular appearance. Your appearance depends on your diet, training, gender, age and genetics. Muscle development does not happen magically by simply doing weightlifting. Achieving a certain physique or level of fitness takes time, dedication and consistency. It is not a quick fix and results may vary depending on the individual and the mentioned factors. 

For example, bodybuilders must strive to exceed their limits for each workout with heavier exercises, hours of training, quality and quantity of food, and be consistent over a long period of time that usually takes years. If you go to the gym three or four times a week lifting 30 pounds with a proper nutrition, you will not become the next Arnold. The only thing you risk is getting into a good shape and there is not reason to be worried of getting too muscular.

4, Lifting Weights Will Make You Become Slow 🐌

One of the widely held misconception is that weightlifting makes you slow. This myth is perpetuated by athletes such as boxers, soccer players, basketball players and many others. In fact, weight training does not make people slow, but rather faster and more efficient. If you combine the two, practicing your sport while weightlifting, you will not become slow. Even the famous boxer Mike Tyson, while still a teenager was bench-pressing over 200 pounds. The only things that will make you slow are lack of training or excess fat. 

Weightlifting can be beneficial if it improves your strength, muscular condition, activation and overall fitness. It will therefore make you more efficient and effective in the sport you are currently practicing. However, this also depends on your goals and you should adapt the exercises and training plan based on your goals. 

For example, if your sport requires quick movements like boxing, a fight may require hundreds of snappy movements in different directions, the aim will be to focus your efforts and energy on developing your speed and less on developing each muscle in your body. 

Therefore, the full body workout will be recommended for you. To resume, no matter what sport you are practicing, a well-rounded fitness routine that includes weight lifting, cardiovascular exercise, mobility work and proper nutrition is essential. The choice of exercise and training plan will depends on your goals, availability, fitness level, body type and preferences. 

5, Train With Light Weights Makes You Get Shredded 🏋️

Another misconception is to only train with light weights for longer sessions to achieve shredded physiques. The concept of building muscle is as follows: the aim of your body and muscles is to make your daily physical activities easier by increasing the size and strength of your muscles. Muscle growth is not dependent on the amount of weight you lift, but on the volume and intensity of the workout. 

Lifting light weights for long hours will only be effective for a short time. Same as running, once your body has adapted to the exercise and intensity of the workout, it only improves your endurance. If you want to achieve hypertrophy (grow muscles) and achieve a lean and trim physique, the most effective way is to gradually and steadily increase the stress level on your muscles by increasing the weights and intensity to get out of its comfort zone. 

This forces your muscles to adapt and become bigger and stronger over time, resulting in muscle growth. This is why is it advised  to focus on heavy weights training and focus on compound exercises with shorter and more intensive reps, also known as polyarticular exercises, which work multiple muscle groups at once, which can be more effective than spending hours doing isolation exercises with lighter weights.

However, you can train as much as you want without nutrition it is impossible to get shredded physique or build your muscles. The goal to be shredded is to spend more energy than you are consuming. In the fitness game, this is called "caloric deficit". Therefore, by doing so, most participants especially during the competition need to adopt an extreme diet with low carbohydrate and fat intake, resulting in low energy, decreased of motivation and increased risk of injury. This requires a strong mindset. 

As they cannot lift heavy weights due to the decrease of energy, they have to adapt by increasing the volume and intensity of the exercises. They usually slow down their movements, use weights which are adapted to their level of energy left and increase the amount of time they spend performing exercises under tension. They try to get the maximum of intensity and volume to force muscle growth.

However, looking shredded does mean you are healthy. This idea of looking as shredded as possible is due to the overexposure of models on social media. What people are not aware of is that these people are getting paid or intend to do shooting or participate for the upcoming fitness competition. Some also are using steroids and are in very bad condition despite having a great shredded physics. 

Unless having such reasons, there is no need to look as much shredded. It is important to prioritize overall health and well-being over aesthetics. It is possible to achieve a great physique with the right amount of weights with an adequate amount of training volume, train frequency, calories consumption, rest and proper form. These are the pillars to have an good aesthetic physique.

6, Do Abs Exercises To Lose Your Belly Fat 

One of the most common myths is that people are advised to do an extraordinary amount of abdominal exercise just to burn belly fat and get "six-pack" abs. Life would be very easy if it worked that way and everyone would have abs. Unfortunately, you can do as many ab exercises as you want and never lose your belly fat or even see your abs. It's a proven fact that you cannot lose belly fat just by working your abs alone. 

It is physically not possible to target a specific area of your body to lose weight. The only way to get rid of that excess fat is to burn fat throughout your whole body, focusing on a combination of resistance exercises such as weight lifting, cardiovascular exercises and proper diet, in an attempt to create a "caloric deficit". All of these factors are known to help reduce your excess fat and make your abs visible.

>> Check here to discover the secrets to have your six pack abs <<

7, Training In Hot Condition Will Help You Lose More Fats🌡️

Another common myth is the belief that training in a hot environment will burn more fat. This is also the reason why you see many people working out in sweat-shirt. In fact, this makes absolutely no difference in term of final results. Training in a hot environment can indeed increase core body temperature and heart rate which translates into increased seating and can make the workout feel more challenging. This can give the feeling of burning more calories during the workout. 

However, this is not a guarantee that you have burned more fat as the weight you think you have lost by sweating is actually water weight, which can be quickly recovered once you rehydrate. This is why some people may look better during training, but once they get home, they are back to their previous appearance. It can be tempting to train in a hot environment, but aside from the false impression of losing weight, it can increase the risk of dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke, because harm to the body.  

An efficient weight loss is due to a caloric deficit, which means you need to burn more calories than you consume. The goal is to focus on a proper training plan with a good mix of cardio and strength training,  proper diet, rest and consistency, taking into account your goals, health, availability and body type. 

Whatever your goal is, the road to success is worth the effort and requires hard work, patience and consistency. It is best to reach that destination slowly but surely rather than looking for shortcuts that could compromise your journey. It is more important to prioritize safety and focus on the long term.

8, Doing Cardio In The Morning To Lose Weights Faster 🏃

You must have heard this advice at least once. The idea behind this is that after a night of sleep, your glycemia (the blood glucose level) is low and this theory suggests that when you do cardio in the morning without consuming food, your body is forced to use stored energy known as fat, as a fuel and energy source since there are no recently consumed carbohydrates available. Therefore, doing cardio on an empty stomach in the morning will burn more fat. So the question is whether fasting cardio is the best type of cardio?

In fact, doing cardio in the morning may provide some benefits such as kick-starting metabolism and increasing energy, but there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that it is more effective for weight loss than doing cardio at any other time of day. You may also have come across articles claiming that some research claiming that a recent British study published in the "British Journal of Nutrition"  found that subjects who did cardio in the morning on an empty stomach burned 20% more fat than if they had eaten a meal first. However,  this does not mean it's more effective for overall weight loss.

It is important to understand that the timing of your cardio workout does not matter. What is more important is the total amount of energy you expend throughout the day, which will be determined by other factors such as the intensity and duration of the workout, your diet and your overall activity. Weight loss occurs when you create a caloric deficit, which can be achieved through a combination of exercise and diet. Therefore, doing cardio in the morning can help burn some extra calories.

To resume, there is magic bullet. It is true that doing cardio it the morning can provide some benefits. However, the best time to do cardio is when it best fits your schedule on long term and make it a habit. Since everyone is different, it is best to give try. If doing cardio on an empty stomach in the morning works for you and helps you stay focused and motivated, this is the best option for you. 

On the other hand, if you prefer to do cardio at other times of the day, whether it is in the afternoon or evening, this is perfectly fine. The goal is to find a routine that works for you and fits your lifestyle and goals. The key is consistency and dedication to achieving long-term goals, and whichever option you choose will be very effective.

9, Train Longer To Get More Muscle Gains ⏱️

Another misconception is the belief that; the longer you train, the more muscle you will have. Unfortunately, this is not how your body works. The amount of muscle you can gain and how fast you can gain it is determined by many factors, including the volume and intensity of training, diet, hormones, body composition and genetics. 

Training for a longer period of time can actually help you stimulate muscle growth, but there is what is known as a point of diminishing returns where training too long can actually be counterproductive and lead to overtraining and injury. As with everything in life, you have to find the right balance.

In fact, the duration of the workout is not the most important factor for muscle growth. It is more important to focus on intensity, which includes time under tension, volume and quality of training, to achieve hypertrophy (muscle growth). For this reason, it is advisable to focus on training with heavy weights and to favor compound exercises, also known as polyarticular exercises, which work multiple muscle groups at once, and this can be more effective than spending hours doing isolation exercises with lighter weights.

Another factor in muscle growth, just as important as the others, is rest and recovery time. This means taking time to allow your muscles to recover and rebuild after your workout. Many gym-goers neglect this factor, which compromises their overall performance and results. An effective program includes a well-balanced workout with adequate rest and recovery time, and a consistent diet.

10, You Can Turn Your Fats Into Muscle Gain 🪄

This is another widely spread fitness misconception. Most people believe that it is possible, through training, to turn fat into lean muscle. Unfortunately, it is physically impossible to turn fat into muscle gain for the simple reason that they are two completely different types of tissue with different functions and structure.

To understand this, you need to understand their composition and for that we need to go back to a simple biology lesson. Adipose tissue, also known as fat tissue, stores excess calories from food consumption in the form of triglycerides, while muscle tissue is made up of protein and is responsible for movement, strength and stability.

However, it is possible to achieve muscle gain and fat loss at the same time, by the combination of exercise and diet. An effective way to lose your fat is to engage into regular weight lifting exercises that stimulate muscle growth whole maintain a caloric deficit though your diet. The aim is to spend more energy energy than consuming. An individual can achieve a more toned, muscular and aesthetic physique.

11, The Difference Between Fat Loss and Weight Loss 💭

Another common misconception is that fat loss and weight loss are the same. In reality, they are not completely two different terms. While weight loss is the overall reduction in body weight, including fat, water, and muscle, fat loss specifically targets the reduction of body fat.

For example, two individuals who weigh the same, say 70 kilos, may have completely different body compositions. One may have a well-toned physique with lean muscle mass, while the other may be overweight or obese. To determine whether you are overweight, several factors, such as BMI, should be taken into consideration.

Furthermore, it's possible to gain muscle while simultaneously losing body fat without a significant change in weight. This phenomenon occurs when you replace body fat with muscle mass, which can improve your body composition without reflecting on the scale.

It is crucial to understand the difference between weight loss and fat loss to avoid confusion and disappointment. Without making this distinction, people may not realize that they are making progress in losing body fat and get disheartened with their efforts. By focusing on fat loss rather than just weight loss, you can achieve a healthier, leaner body without losing valuable muscle mass.

12, Conclusion 💡

When it comes to fitness and exercise there are too many misconceptions, it is of utmost importance to be constantly up to date and remains informed. By understanding the science behind fitness and the body,  you can now separate fact from fiction and make more efficient decisions about your training programs and reach our goals more effectively.

It is important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach and that consistency, dedication and balance are the keys to long-term success. By combining exercise with a balanced diet, adequate rest and recovery time, and a positive mindset, anyone can achieve their fitness goals and lead a healthy, active life. 

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